Chemokines and Cancer (Contemporary Cancer Research) (US$145)
Stationary Office | Pages:336 | 1999-04-09 | ISBN: 089603562X | 3 MB
Chemokines and Cancer synthesizes a state-of-the-art understanding of the role that chemokines and their receptors play in the pathophysiology of malignancy. It examines the influence of chemokines on a broad array of malignant cells, including their effects on such intrinsic properties as growth and movement, as well as exploring their influence on the host's response to a growing tumor. The authors also demonstrate the physiological consequences of chemokine expression and suggest how chemokines can be used to regulate tumor growth in vivo, including their direct effects on tumor growth, on tumor destruction by host inflammatory cells, and on tumor angiogenesis. The only book available that relates chemokines to cancer, Chemokines and Cancer holds out the promise of novel therapeutic approaches to malignancy through the manipulation of chemokines and/or their receptors.
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