The homeland of the Inuit (IN-oo-aht) people is a broad region of frozen land and sea that stretches from Alaska in the west to Greenland in the east. It is a land where trees are unable to grow, and only the hardiest animals and people can survive.From November until January the sun remains below the horizon, cloaking the frozen land and sea of the Arctic in total darkness.At the time of European contact, in the 1500s, the Inuit people shared basic religious beliefs and exploited the same natural resources. Life was a constant struggle for survival, and the threat of starvation was ever-present. The idea of a God, or a group of gods, to be worshiped was altogether alien to the Inuit. The Inuit believed that it was the powerful forces of nature that affected their lives. It was these forces that focused on balancing mankind’s needs with those of the rest of the world.
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