Mysteries of the Moonsea (Dungeons & Dragons d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying, Forgotten Realms Supplement)
By Thomas Reid, Sean Reynolds, Darrin Drader, Wil Upchurch,
* Publisher: Wizards of the Coast
* Number Of Pages: 160
* Publication Date: 2006-06-13
* Sales Rank: 200345
* ISBN / ASIN: 078693915X
* EAN: 9780786939152
* Binding: Hardcover
* Manufacturer: Wizards of the Coast
* Studio: Wizards of the Coast
Book Description:
Mysteries of the Moonsea™
Thomas M. Reid Sean K Reynolds
Darrin Drader Wil Upchurch
A Campaign Arc for Characters of Levels 1—18
The Moonsea–a perilous frontier ruled by tyrants and threatened by monsters. Here cities consumed by decadence and war rise and fall like the sun, and conspiracies abound. Great adventure awaits those who oppose evil, for the Moonsea is rife with it.
The Mysteries of the Moonsea accessory contains 37 loosely connected adventures that can be run individually or linked to form the basis of an entire Forgotten Realms® campaign. In addition to the adventures, this book presents maps and descriptions of the major Moonsea cities of Melvaunt, Hillsfar, Mulmaster, and Zhentil Keep, as well as statistics and descriptions for 15 important campaign villains.
For use with these Dungeons & Dragons® products
Player’s Handbook™ Dungeon Master’s Guide™ Monster Manual™
Forgotten Realms® Campaign Setting
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