American Indian Medicine (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
By Virgil J. Vogel
* Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
* Number Of Pages: 632
* Publication Date: 1990-09
* Sales Rank: 73016
* ISBN / ASIN: 0806122935
* EAN: 9780806122939
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: University of Oklahoma Press
* Studio: University of Oklahoma Press
American Indian Medicine
American Indian Medicine written by Virgil J. Vogel is a compilation of what the American Indian used for medicine to aid in the treatment of disease.
This book is NOT a step by step process pharmacopoeia with all the weights and preparation steps but is a good general book on what was used. Granted the author states this in his preface and he is not a medical practioner, but what he has given us is history of Indian Medicine in the Americas.
Native American Medicine has long intrigud me and the collection of the herbs, roots, bark, and leaves of plants is what pharmacognsy was to the settlers . This book has been divided into eight sections with a bibliography that helps the reader in further study.
The chapters are as follows:
What the red man gave usIndian theories of disease and shamanistic practices.
Early observation of white man on indian medicine.
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