A History of the Indians of the United States (Civilization of the American Indian Series)
By Angie Debo
* Publisher: University of Oklahoma Press
* Number Of Pages: 450
* Publication Date: 1984-03
* Sales Rank: 693392
* ISBN / ASIN: 0806118881
* EAN: 9780806118888
* Binding: Paperback
* Manufacturer: University of Oklahoma Press
* Studio: University of Oklahoma Press
Disappointing History; Go check it out from the library
I was really looking forward to reading this based on reviews and descriptions of it. I had just read other books like _Bury_My_Heart_at_Wounded_Knee, _The_Invasion_of_America, and _American_Holocaust. But i was pretty disappointed by this book.I hope her other books are better, but i'd would suggest you not spend your money on this one.
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